Our Patriot Ancestors

For detailed information on individuals listed here, please visit the National Society’s Ancestor Search Page.

Bradford, William
Canfield, Ezekiel, Pvt
Champlin, Joseph, Col
Hale, Berman, Pvt
Hall, Jonathan, Pvt
Lines, John, Pvt
Peck, John
Roberts, Judah, Pvt
Sanford, Oliver
Sizer, William, Capt
Bowers, George, Pvt
Ducker, Nathaniel
Rockhold, Thomas Tolbert, Sgt
Smithson, Daniel
Thomas, Ellis, Sgt
Bacon, Jeremiah Jr
Bacon, Jeremiah Sr, Sgt
Bradley, Enoch, Sgt
Braley, Gideon, Pvt
Bush, Moses, Pvt
Crittenden, Samuel Sr
Davis, James Jr, Pvt
Davis, James Sr, Capt
Davis, Thomas
Fisher, Jeremiah, Pvt
Glover, James, Sgt
Hemingway, Daniel, Sr
Hemingway, Silas, Lt
Lincoln, Elkanah, Sgt
Monroe, Nathan, Sgt
Morse, Philip, Pvt
Newton, Hezekiah Sr
Worcester, Benjamin, Pvt
New Hampshire
Dowse, Ozem
Jenness, Francis
McCrillis, John
Morse, Philip, Pvt
Partridge, Reuben, Pvt
Putnam, Moses
Wheeler, Abraham
New Jersey
Bedford, Stephen, Pvt
Bryant, David, Pvt
Bryant, Hannah Searing
Bryant, Simeon
Cook, Ellis, Col
Duyckinck, James, Pvt
Hankinson, William, Pvt
Mackey, Joseph, Capt
McMyer, Andrew, Capt
McMyer, Mary Henry
Miner, Benjamin, Capt
Seward. John, LTC
Throckmorton, Holmes, Pvt
Wooley, Abraham
New York
Bodine, John, Pvt
Cooper, Zebulon, Pvt
Freer, Simon
Kelsey, Thomas, Pvt
Lewis, Elizabeth Annesley
Lewis, Francis
McRoberts, John, Sgt
Schoonmaker, Frederic Sr
Smith, John, Maj
Wait, William, Pvt
North Carolina
Cobb, Edward
Dildy, Jesse
Fulcher, Henry
Fulcher, William, Pvt
Graves, David
Jesse, John
Larimore, James, Sgt
Rainbolt, Adam, Pvt
Wilhoit, Conrad
Cooper, Zebulon, Pvt
Cope, John
Ebert, John, Pvt
Garber, Joseph
Hoffman, Heinrich, 1Lt
Hoffman, Wilhelm, Pvt
Hunsicker, Jacob, Pvt
Hunsicker, Johannes
Leidy, John, Pvt
McFarland, James, Lt
Prather, Thomas, Pvt
Pyle, Caleb, Pvt
Rader, Conrad, Capt
Ray, Robert, Sgt
Reeves, Enos, Lt
Roller, Jacob
Stevens, Giles, Sgt
Woodward, John, Pvt
Wright, John
Rhode Island
Miner, Benjamin, Capt
South Carolina
Cook, John, Pvt
Hawthorne, Robert, Pvt
Langston, Solomon, Lt
McDonald, Willis, Pvt
Lowing, William, Cpl
McRoberts, John, Sgt
Abrogast, Adam, Pvt
Abrogast, Michael, Pvt
Carter, Peter Sr,
Chiles, John
Christian, Charles
Clardy, Thomas, Pvt
Curd, Joseph, Lt
Dean, Daniel, Sgt
DeJarnette, Thomas
Doyle, John, Pvt
Elliott, Richard
England, John, Pvt
Gatewood, William, Pvt
Graves, Ann X
Griffith, Benjamin, Ens
Gum, Jacob Sr, Pvt
Haynie, Bridgar, Lt
Hite, Julius, Cpl
James, John, Pvt
James, William, Pvt
Jett, Francis
Jones, Moses, Pvt
Kennedy, John, Pvt
Kincaid, John, Capt
King, William, Pvt
Koons, Christian, Pvt
Leake, Josiah, Capt
Lorton, Robert, Sgt
Luck, Samuel
Lumsden, John, Ens
Major, Samuel
Melton, Lettice White
Nichols, John
Patterson, William
Rosser, Jonathan
Skidmore, Andrew, Pvt
Smith, Henry
Smith, Mary Burks
Stalnacker, Jacob
Standefer, William, Ens
Tapp, Vincent Jr, Pvt
Timmons, John, Sgt
Turley, Robert
Vincent, Joseph, Pvt
Walton, Martha Cox
Walton, Robert, Ens
Webb, Benjamin
Wooddell, Joseph, Lt
Wooddell, Thomas Sr
Woodson, Charles, SgtMaj
Updated 2/16/25

Military Abbreviations

ADC Aide-de-Campe
BGBrigadier General
1LTFirst Lieutenant
LTCLieutenant Colonel
MMMinute Man
S.D.I.Signer of the Declaration of Independence
SGTMAJSergeant Major
STAFFOFStaff Officer